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Section: New Software and Platforms


Keyword: Performance, function memoization, dynamic optimization

Status: Ongoing development, early prototype. Registered with APP (Agence de Protection des Programmes) under number IDDN.FR.001.250013.000.S.P.2015.000.10800.

Scientific Description

Memoization is the technique of saving result of executions so that future executions can be omitted when the inputs repeat. Memoization has been proposed in previous literature at the instruction level, basic block level and function level using hardware as well as pure software level approaches including changes to programming language.

We proposed software memoization of pure functions for procedural languages. We rely on the operating system loader, taking advantage of the LD_PRELOAD feature of UNIX systems. By setting this variable to the path of a shared library, we instruct the loader to first look to missing symbols in that library. Our library redefines the functions we wish to intercept. The interception code is very straightforward: it receives the same parameter as the target function and checks in a table (a software cache) if this value is readily available. In the favorable case, the result value is immediately returned. Otherwise, we invoke the original function, and store the result in the cache before returning it.

Our technique does not require the availability of source code and thus can be applied even to commercial applications as well as applications with legacy codes. As far as users are concerned, enabling memoization is as simple as setting an environment variable. We validated If-memo with x86-64 platform using both GCC and icc compiler tool-chains, and ARM cortex-A9 platform using GCC.